About Us

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Yoga is Euphoria

Yoga makes people’s lives better. It helps to free them from stress and diseases. Doing yoga is one of the best medicine or therapy which can give anyone a feeling of bliss, and happiness. Shanu is a person, who could help you to reach your innermost circle. She is from Haridwar. Which is a well-known city in India. Famous for its serene environment and religion & culture. She was a management student. However, her surroundings influenced her mind & soul toward yoga. After this, she started pursuing her dream to become a yoga teacher. Now, she is an active member of the US Yoga alliance. She has been practicing yoga for the last ten years and also gained experience in this field.

Currently, she migrated to Canada to expand her area of knowledge. As well as, to gain new experiences with different people. She knows about her dharma and wants to give her contribution to society’s well-being. That is why she started to give classes to her disciples. She provides the best classes, where you can free yourself from stress and will lead a healthy life. She aims to share her whole knowledge & experiences, which have been collected by her. So, people could learn more about yoga and connect to their true core.

Yoga with Shanu will be your best decision as it will motivate you on that path, where you will care for yourself. Despite this, it has unique methods, which are very helpful to make this boring practice, regular and fun way. This is the highlight time when you have to decide to join yoga with Shanu, classes. Thus, you could free your body and mind from all the negativity and stress.

Elevate Your Yoga Practice with an E-RYT 200 Certified Instructor

Our founder and lead instructor, Shanu, is a Yoga Alliance certified Experienced Registered Yoga Teacher (E-RYT) with 200 hours of training. This prestigious certification guarantees that our teacher training program and classes are led by a skilled and experienced instructor. We firmly believe that quality teacher training and practice are the building blocks of a safe, welcoming, and inclusive yoga community. Our instructor, Shanu, has undergone rigorous training and education to earn this certification, ensuring that she has the knowledge and skills to guide students of all levels safely and effectively. At our studio, we prioritize creating a supportive and inclusive environment for all s…

Our Values

Our values represent us.

Encourage people towards the path of yoga…

Shanu encourages people to live a healthy, and happy life via classes. She offered them weekly classes, where they could adopt the practice of yoga. With her knowledge and experience, she develops some unique methods, which can help patients to heal their pain.

Give a peaceful space

As Shanu provides the classes. You have no bound to leave your own pace and go to other places. Any person can take these classes from that place, where they find comfort and peace. She believes that yoga is an exercise, which has to be done with a calm mind and in a peaceful place.


She wins the trust of the people. That is not just small talk as she makes hundreds of people's lives better with her yoga training. She connected them with yoga and benefited them by improving their health & lifestyle.

Encourage Teamwork

Yoga instructs us that without the help of the community, we can do nothing. We’re in this together! She nurtures people through her gentle hatha yoga, pain care yoga, etc for meaningful connection to support the arousing of what is exceptional in each of us.


Our Vision & Mission

We are on a mission to give folk a better and healthy life, and brighten their world through warm-hearted connections.

Yoga with shanu started with an ambitious idea- could all the people heal themselves in their own space? The reason to operate these classes is crystal clear, we are on a mission to make folk’s lives healthy, to give them a secure environment. Moreover, we try our best to encourage them so, they can achieve healthy lifestyle goals.

Providing a space where anyone can freely laugh and express their all emotions, is one of the goals of these classes. By sharing her knowledge and experience, she teaches people how they can free themselves from the all hectic lifestyle burden.

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